The HIll
I was driving down the 15 freeway and I was looking up at Mt, Baldy. This mountain is the backdrop to our view of the valley from Corona and it is always awe inspiring. Ever present and looming, this mountain is beautiful in the winter with snow cover and always reminding us that there is in fact seasons in California.
I guess I just never saw it
Growing up at the base of a foothill in my younger years we had a considerably less majestic view. Though I climbed all over the smaller hills, I don't recall ever seeing Mt. Baldy the way I do today. I lived my life in a very small area for sure and the more I think about it the more I am amazed how much I must have missed living in the small shadow of that foothill.
View from childhood home
Looking at the topography of the land today, it's easy to see why I don't recall seeing the mountain that I see today. I lived my life in a small valley for so many years and rarely ventured out except for trips to local family etc.
Foothill blocked view of Mt. Baldy (so did the smog of course).
The point?
I can be so myopic in my thinking and vision, even today. What I perceive and what is reality can be two things entirely different some times. As a child my world was small and limited and only as I grew did I see the “bigger picture” and even today (like then) I am not sure if I can see the mountain in the distance some times.
What I do know is that I can certainly enjoy the view a bit more when I do see it.
Thanks for reading!