Coffee & Biscuits
Sometimes, it’s just nice to have fun. But, there are days when I get so caught up in my thoughts. My thoughts run... “I am not learning enough, not doing enough, not progressing in areas I would like to.” But then I begin to look back and reflect on what I have achieved. The list gets pretty long. Then, I start to reflect on it with a clear mind. It can be difficult to fight that internal negative voice, especially related to my creativity.
After building my computer, I started learning Blender more. The images associated with this post are from a quick tutorial by Polygon Runway. I love the guy’s style.
Looking at other artists’ work and seeing them progress and doing great work can be disheartening. All that comparison of other artists can turn to a paralyzing creative block that can lock any artist into a state of “why even try, why bother, etc.” I think every artist falls into this state of mind now and then. Feeling inadequate, not good enough, or lacking in the skills with a feeling that there is no way to progress and constantly feeling as if there is no time and always under the gun with other due dates, work, home, kids, dogs, life, etc.
What to do...
Just begin. That’s it! You start by starting. There is no other way. Some people sit around talking about what they are going to do. “I am going write a book!” they say. “I am going to go to the gym and lose weight/get swole!” I heard that a thousand times from acquaintances. There is a psychological impact to saying these things to others, and it’s actually not good. Some people think that this will help make you accountable and help you follow through on your goals when it’s actually the opposite.
See the related article below for more on how this works in the brain.
Why publicly announcing your goals is a bad idea
The researchers concluded that telling people what you want to achieve creates a premature sense of completeness. While you feel a sense of pride in letting people know what you intend to do, that pride doesn’t motivate you and can in fact hurt you later on.
Research Reveals That Publicly Announcing Your Goals Makes You Less Likely to Achieve Them
If you thought that telling everyone your goals creates accountability, think again.
When you tell others what you intend to do, your brain rewards you for this statement. But unfortunately, the dopamine you get by telling others your plans rewards your brain prematurely and makes accomplishing your goals less likely. So, STOP telling people what “you’re going to do” and go do it. As for self-limiting beliefs and creative paralysis? The same holds true... What is the best time to plant a tree?
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Basically, in the context of the conversation here today, this means that if you want success and growth in the future, the best time to act is now.