It gets better.
I promise.
I never thought I had a choice with how I thought. I was always negative and felt anxious and pulled down by my own thoughts. Nothing was ever optimistic, and the worst was always yet to come. Just around the corner was something tragic waiting to take me out.
I discovered freedom when I chose to get sober, but I also discovered greater freedom when I gave up nicotine (Chew, vape, and cigs... all forms). I feel as though I am choosing more personal freedoms lately, and I feel a greater sense of peace because of those choices. I may still look crazy from where you’re sitting, but I am worried about that a lot less than I used to be :)
(on fire with the same force that lit the stars)
I am not religious and don’t believe in the “mystical” things that some others do, but I know that I was given this joy to share my hope with others, and it fills my heart when I can do that. That is sacred to me. That’s when “I am on fire with the same force that lit the stars,” and I feel connected.
David Foster Wallace’s commencement speech below describes all these thoughts all too well for me (linked below).
If you are struggling in your early days of getting sober just know that it does get worse, but it does get a whole lot better too.
Thanks for reading!