Summer camp
As I write this we are minus one child in our household. The middle daughter to be exact. As you can read by the title of this post, our daughter is attending summer camp. This may not seem strange to some of you, but for me and my wife it is strange for a lot of reasons.
We never went to camp
My wife and I didn't grow up with this opportunity. For us the idea of going to camp only existed for Charlie Brown or was the premise to some movie like Meatballs or something. I don't think we even knew anyone who went off to camp. Needless to say, the wife and I were surprised by how awesome the place looked and I was a little too excited driving my Jeep across a stream to get there (see video below).
It was lot of fun dropping her off and and we took a tour of the place before leaving. We even stopped to pick a few flowers on the way down the hill.
She really wanted to go
She was so excited to get up there! As we drove along she was the most quiet she has been in a while. She was nervous about making friends or what to say to other girls, etc. So much anticipation and nervousness!!!! She couldn't wait to get there and couldn't wait for us to leave. Our daughter has never been away from us for this long (just a week) and the wife and I both talked about how terrible we both are that we miss her already! Like every parent, I am probably more worried that she won't miss us at all.
So much love!